Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Message to Our Supporters

Because we have made no progress is raising the funding needed to open our Arkansas Diamond Mine Adventure, I have cut back on our blog posts. I won't give up on my American dream, but apparently now is not the right time for it.

I am greatly disappointed, as you can imagine, but now I must press on to find another way to feed my family. We covet your prayers as we continue this journey.

In the meantime, we will periodically post tips for entrepreneurs and small business owners in the areas of marketing, public relations and communications.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Truett Cathy's First Publicity Stunt 'B.C.'

Truett Cathy's book Eat Mor Chikin Inspire More People offers many pearls of wisdom, including valuable tips for entrepreneurs.

Today we want to highlight one of the things Cathy mentions that is a good example of one of the 64 promotional tools we discussed here in August.

One of the tools we suggested you use to generate critically important word-of-mouth publicity was publicity stunts. As a reminder, we said that you must be very careful with stunts because they can easily backfire.

Stunts come in many forms and can feature amazing acts or using dramatic messages or visuals that present a paradox. Cathy's idea was somewhat a combination of both.

In 1961 after he invented his chicken sandwich, he invited the publishers of competing newspapers in Forest Park, Ga., to come to his restaurant and try his new sandwich. The businessmen "barely spoke to each other," and "their long-standing feud was widely known," Cathy writes.

He asked both publishers to bring a photographer. His goal was to produce a newspaper ad with a picture of the bitter rivals shaking hands after eating his new sandwich, agreeing that it was the best chicken sandwich they had ever eaten.

His idea easily could have backfired. When the men arrived, they had no idea the other man would be there. He told the newspaper men that he would buy a full-page ad in both newspapers if they would sit at the same booth and eat his sandwich and then pose for a picture shaking hands. Both men agreed, and the rest is history.

Cathy's ad called it the first thing the two rivals had agreed on. The ad was very successful, Cathy says, and he gained national exposure years later when famous TV-preacher Robert Schuller invited Cathy to share the story on his Sunday-morning Hour of Power broadcast. Schuller also included the story in his book The Be (Happy) Attitudes under "Blessed are the peacemakers."

It was Cathy's first publicity stunt B.C. (before cows). A few years later he heard that Lady Bird Johnson would be making a whistle-stop tour through Georgia. He arranged to serve his chicken sandwich to the First Lady and her entourage. KFC founder Harlan Sanders also visited and tried his sandwich. They continued to "take advantage of every public relations opportunity," he writes.

Don't forget the other tools we discussed for generating word-of-mouth publicity: volunteering to give speeches to civic and professional organizations, speaking to your local city council or school board, community relations, offering community seminars and training, and getting involved in civic, professional and non-profit organizations that interest you.

We recently read the latest Best of Little Rock list looking for the best hamburger and milkshake in town, and that prompts us to offer this tip for entrepreneurs. Promotional tool #65: Get your friends, family and customers to nominate your business for the Best of ... lists featured in your local newspapers, magazines and websites.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Truett Cathy vs. Barack Obama

Today I (David) am going to deviate from our normal topic--updates on our progress in establishing our business dream and tips for entrepreneurs--to offer a review of two books I've read recently. This seems like the right time with the presidential election just weeks away.

This past summer while we were in Bali, my father-in-law gave me Barack Obama's book Dreams from My Father to read. This past week I was invited to read Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy's book Eat Mor Chikin Inspire More People. Reading the books back to back provided a striking contrast in the two leaders.

I want to spotlight just a few of the many differences between President Obama's background and philosophy and Mr. Cathy's. The first difference that stands out comes from Obama's introduction (pg xiii), where he writes that he was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, which led to several publishers calling him to see if he would write a book. He agreed to take off a year after graduating to write the book, and this is how he started.

"In that last year of law school, I began to organize in my mind, with a frightening confidence, just how the book would proceed." Two paragraphs later he continues, "I'm 33 now; I work as a lawyer active in the social and political life of Chicago. If I've been able to fight off cynicism, I nevertheless like to think of myself as wise to the world, careful not to expect too much."

It seems a little arrogant to me for a 33-year-old man to say that he had a frightening confidence in his abilities and thought of himself as wise to the world.

In contrast, Cathy, who was 80 and still steering his $1.25 billion company to greater heights when he wrote his book, never makes such boasts. Rather, he says he has a simple confidence in God's plan for his life. If he brags about anything, it's that he has worked hard and has three children, 12 grandchildren and more than 120 foster children.

Obama’s book is a tedious, dark journey that covers his search for himself, his racial identity and his place in the white man’s world. In high school, he played basketball and was part of the pot-smoking gang. In his book Obama freely admits:

"I had learned not to care. ... Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow (cocaine) when you could afford it. ... Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn't been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. ... And if the high didn't solve whatever it was that was getting you down, it could at least help you laugh at the world's ongoing folly and see through all the hypocrisy and bull$&#% and cheap moralism" (pg 93).

In contrast, Cathy's bright and uplifting book is all about his quest to serve others. "The history of Chick-fil-A, in fact, is a series of unexpected opportunities. When we responded to them, we often found ourselves richly blessed," he writes. "I enjoy few things more than making people--especially children--smile."

One thing Obama and Cathy have in common is mothers who loved them and taught them values. Midway through his book, Obama writes that in Indonesia his mother woke him at 4 a.m. five days a week and taught him English lessons for three hours before he went to school and she went to work. She taught him the values of honesty, fairness and straight talk. His mother possessed "a faith that rational, thoughtful people could shape their own destiny. ... She was a lonely witness for secular humanism, a soldier for New Deal, Peace Corps, position paper liberalism" (pg 50).

By page nine of his book, Cathy has already discussed opportunities parents have to teach their children such values as hard work, fairness, honesty and respect. Because his mother had to prepare dinner for their boarders, she couldn't go to church, "but she saw that we children got dressed and off to Sunday school and church."

Obama goes on and on about his struggles as a child. In his defense, he did suffer because his father left him (at age 2) and his mom and returned to his native Kenya. He never mentions--that I recall--ever working to help his mom or his grandparents pay the bills, or doing anything responsible to help others.

Cathy also discusses his childhood and his family's financial struggles during the Great Depression. His mother ran a boarding house in their rented home and cooked breakfast and dinner for her seven children and for the seven or eight boarders seven days a week. Cathy, unlike Obama, spent many days alongside her shucking corn, shelling peas, setting the table and washing dirty dishes. His mother worked hard, he says, adding he never saw her eyes closed until she lay in her casket.

Cathy was eight years old when he decided it was time for him "to earn my own money," so he started selling Coca Colas door to door. A short time later he built a Coke stand in his front yard. In the winter of that year he started selling magazine subscriptions door to door and helped a friend with his newspaper route. When he turned 12 Cathy says he began to contribute to the family when he got his own paper route.

"Nearly every moment of every day we have the opportunity to give something to someone else--our time, our love, or our resources. I have always found more joy in giving when I did not expect anything in return," Cathy writes.

"That's why I'm so thankful that the Lord brought foster children into my life. ... Unexpected opportunities almost always carry with them the chance to be a faithful steward and to influence others positively. These were the lessons I began to learn in childhood from my mother, my siblings, and others around me who cared enough to teach me."

Readers cannot determine from Obama's book if he ever developed a faith in God that went beyond believing that "rational, thoughtful people could shape their own destiny" and that God and church were things to be used to rally people to get justice through social activism. He did eventually attend Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ with its "black liberation theology" (pg 282).

Cathy's faith in Jesus Christ is evident on almost every page of his book. He writes that when he prays, he tries to pray honestly "from the heart, not just with words but with thoughts seeking God's guidance and direction, committing myself to do what I should do and to change what I should change. We need to trust the Lord," he says. "We all need God in our lives" (pg 66).

The major difference between Obama and Cathy is their worldviews. Obama's book reminds me of a verse in the Bible that says people "are always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7). I don't know if Cathy is as smart as Obama, but it's obvious from Eat Mor Chikin Inspire More People that at least he knows the truth.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Strange Brew For Coffee Aficionados

Small business owners know how important it is to offer a good, unique product. While in Bali this summer, we learned about a popular, expensive and unique beverage that made us a little queasy.

Indonesia produces the world’s most expensive coffee. It’s called Kopi Luwak, and you would never guess where it comes from.

These coffee beans only grow in a few exotic places including the islands of Bali, Java and Sumatra. Hold on tight to your coffee mug because here’s the fun part. The coffee beans are eaten by wild cats called civets. The cats don’t chew the beans, they swallow them whole.

Something about the cats’ digestive juices impacts the beans in a richly positive way. Then, of course, the beans are … how shall we say … released for production. Farmers come along and collect this production and then remove the coffee beans from the poop.  

One presumes these digested beans are thoroughly cleaned and dried. Kopi Luwak fans pay big bucks for a pound of these beans, which they say produce the most delicious aromatic coffee that’s not as bitter as most coffee.

That’s not as bad as the chocolate pie in the movie The Help, but wouldn’t you like to know how someone ever came to discover that those beans made good coffee.

“Honey, look here at Tigger’s poop. Looks like berries in there. (long pause) I wonder how they’d taste?”

Our tip for entrepreneurs today is: find a coffee tree, climb it and eat a handful of beans. Who knows? You could make a cool million supplying a new flavor to Starbucks. All kidding aside, make sure you offer a product or service consumers need that they can’t get anywhere else.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Search For Land Begins

This summer in Bali, we learned quite a lot as we visited with Robyn's father, Charles, and his wife, Laurence. They have run a successful clothing manufacturing business for almost 20 years and a villa for almost five years, and Charles was a successful businessman in Northern California before that.

When they started making suggestions on steps we should take to get our business dream--the Arkansas Diamond Mine Adventure--off the ground, we paid close attention. One suggestion that Laurence made surprised us.

Our business plan calls for the purchase of eight to nine acres of land on which to build our ropes course, obstacle course and children's play area. We had thought all along that it would be getting the cart before the horse, so to speak, to search for property before we had any investors lined up.

Laurence made the point, quite emphatically, that investors would want to see that we have everything lined up and planned down to the minutest detail. That includes the land, she said. So when we returned to the U.S. three weeks ago, we began to keep our eyes open for vacant property as we drove around town.

You see quite a few "for sale" signs in west Little Rock for acreage, but most of those sites are zoned commercial and carry price tags in the millions of dollars. Our business plan calls for purchasing land in the thousands of dollars per acre. That's much more difficult to find.

David has made a few inquiries into land on the west side of Little Rock. Yesterday we got an e-mail from one enterprising commercial realtor about one tract for sale. Just looking at the map he sent us, we didn't think it would be a good location for our Arkansas Diamond Mine Adventure, but the price falls within our proposed budget.

After school today, David and Diamond in the Rough drove by the property and were surprisingly impressed. It's not the perfect location, and it's not the dimensions we had envisioned, but it appears to be workable. Which brings us to today's tip for entrepreneurs and small-business owners: when choosing a site, remember the three most important things in real estate--location, location, location.

We are very encouraged that this property--the first property a real estate agent has presented to us--is in our price range and could meet our needs. We will continue to look for other options, and if you know of nine tree-covered acres near west Little Rock that are available at a price of under $1 per square foot, please let us know.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Check Out Our New Video

We are very excited to unveil our new "Join the Adventure!" video featuring our Diamond in the Rough.

Now nine years old, we think he is an excellent spokesboy for our business dream, the Arkansas Diamond Mine Adventure.

Our new video is now linked on our website. You also can search for it on YouTube under "Arkansas Diamond Mine Adventure."

A big thanks to our friends the Bennetts and their son Wild Man for letting us come back to their home and use their computer and his video editing talents to edit another video.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Our T-shirts Arrived!

We've been waiting for months to be able to say that.

Our Arkansas Diamond Mine Adventure T-shirts finally arrived from the printer last week, just in time for David and Diamond in the Rough's birthdays. They were a great birthday gift for David.

Our T-shirt features the ADMA logo and the winning slogan: Join The Adventure, We'll Show You The Ropes.

"How can I get one of those beautiful T-shirts?" you ask. Until Oct. 5 you can go to our Indiegogo proposal site and purchase one there. Your purchase will help give our crowdfunding proposal more visibility on the Indiegogo website.

However, if we do not reach our overall goal by the Oct. 5 deadline, your T-shirt order will not go through. At that point, you will need to order ADMA T-shirts directly from our website. For now, we would appreciate it if you would order them through our proposal site on Indiegogo.

Thanks, and this week we will ship the first T-shirt to Scott Brooks in Atlanta for submitting the winning slogan.