Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Tour Part Two

One of the goals of this blog is to provide helpful information to other wannabe entrepreneurs. It occurred to me that in our blog about our visit to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette last month, I failed to mention any helpful advice for you, so let me correct that.

We took Diamond in the Rough and two of our daughters to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newsroom yesterday. I took D.i.t.R. in early May in hopes of meeting Pulitzer Prize-winning Editorial Page Editor Paul Greenberg. Thanks to his friendly secretary, Paula, this time we were successful.

Mr. Greenberg came to the lobby to meet our family. Sporting a tan suit, baby blue tie and long, silvery hair, the southern gentleman shook my hand and then immediately offered a gift to Robyn. Even though he was on deadline, he graciously visited with us, asked our children questions and then gave us a tour of the newsroom. Pine Bluff has much to be proud of in this native son.

Mr. Greenberg's May 2 editorial on Chuck Colson prompted me to take the family down to meet him. His editorial in last Sunday's paper about the demise of daily newspapers in New Orleans and Mobile, Ala., shined a light on the sad state of newspapers in America. Greenberg called himself a dinosaur in the media world. He meant that in a self-deprecating way, I think, but dinosaurs stand tall and strong, so I'd say that's accurate.

The helpful information I forgot to point out to you small-business owners is to make the effort to go to your local newspaper and meet the managing editor and the editor or writer in charge of the business section. Editors and reporters are not your enemy; they won't bite. And until newspapers become extinct, you need to establish a relationship with them.

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